How to Create a Successful Law Firm Marketing Funnel

Part IV: The Action Stage (Bottom of the Funnel)

Last Updated on June 1, 2021 by

The Action Stage (Bottom of the Funnel)

Finally, prospects at the bottom of the funnel are ready to make a decision.

At this stage, law firms should focus on engagement and careful, action-driven messaging to close the deal and get the client to book a consultation.

The Power of Conversation

The prospects at this stage don’t need more information. They need to be convinced to follow through.

The law firm’s role here is to engage them with action-oriented messaging and incentives.

Retargeting can also be a good option, especially when social media ads and chat bots are used.

For example, a law firm could use a retargeting ad to jog their prospect’s memory, with the CTA being “Chat to [law firm name] today!”

On Facebook, it’s possible to direct that CTA to a Messenger chat bot, motivating the customer to book a consultation immediately, without ever having to get on the phone. It’s frictionless.

Law firms can also host video Q&A sessions. They are a great option for answering frequently asked questions.  

At this stage, the Q&As should focus on the logistics of cooperation, not the logistics of the legal processes.

At this stage, it’s also a good idea to add a quote estimate email to the drip campaign schedule.

For example, a law firm may offer a quote estimate to the prospect if they reply to it with the details of their case.

Then, the prospect will have all the information they need to make the ultimate decision.

Closing the Deal

When the prospect is ready, it’s important to close the deal properly.

Typically, scheduling a consultation is the best course of action as the clients will have committed to visiting the law firm.

In the majority of cases, clients want to speak to firm representatives on the phone. However, that depends on specific clients and specific law firms, so different business’ mileage may vary.

Finally, it’s important to follow up.

Even if a prospect didn’t sound completely convinced, a good follow up is the key to successfully closing deals.

Drew Hendricks
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