Marketing Resources

Nimbletoad is a full-service digital marketing agency based in North County San Diego that specializes in website design, SEO, and PPC. Founded in 2008, Nimbletoad’s results-driven marketing strategies enable B2B and B2C organizations to compete at the highest level regionally and nationally.

how to craft a balanced omnichannel strategy

Personalization vs. Overload: How To Craft An Omnichannel Strategy That Strikes the Right Balance

June 6, 2024

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, finding the sweet spot in your marketing efforts can often feel like walking a tightrope. The truth is, cracking the code on how to craft a balanced omnichannel strategy for personalization without overload is one of the biggest challenges facing […]

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Free Competitor Analysis - Find out how your website stacks up against your biggest competitor.
Learn how to increase your visibility and outrank for your top keyword.

Data Integrity in Marketing: How To Thrive in a Privacy-First World

November 30, 2023
data integrity in marketing, data privacy

Last Updated on November 30, 2023 by Troika Gellido Are your marketing strategies sustainable in a privacy-first world? With the increasing volume of personal data generated online and the growing public concern over privacy, companies are recognizing that how they handle consumer data can significantly impact their reputation, customer relationships, and overall success.  Embracing data […]

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Authentic Brand Building: 7 Strategies To Gain Your Consumers’ Trust

November 16, 2023
authentic brand building strategy

Last Updated on November 21, 2023 by Troika Gellido In the age of cynical customers amidst a competitive market, gaining customer trust can seem like a daunting task. Wondering how to transform your brand into one that’s not just seen but trusted? Research, including insights from the Gustavson Brand Trust Index, highlights a crucial factor: authenticity. […]

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Voice Search Optimization: A Game-Changer for Your Website

October 17, 2023
voice search optimization for website

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Your audience is ready to listen, but are you ready to be heard? Voice search optimization is a phrase that’s been buzzing around the digital marketing world, and for good reason. As the era of voice-activated devices like smartphones, smart speakers, and virtual assistants become an […]

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5 Steps To Humanize Your B2B Marketing Strategy

October 11, 2023
b2b marketing strategy

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Gone are the days of rigid pitches and statistics overload. Today’s business world craves connection. After all, aren’t all businesses, at their core, just groups of people? Let’s dive into making your brand feel less like a business and more like a trusted friend. A B2B […]

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The UGC Magic: Turning Real Customers Into Brand Promoters

September 7, 2023
user generated content in marketing

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Have you ever stumbled across a genuine review about a new gadget you’re interested in? Or maybe an impromptu video of someone genuinely enjoying a cup of coffee from a local brand? Somehow, those genuine snippets of everyday life make a deeper impression than any glossy […]

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How Local SEO Builds Relationships For Your Business

August 22, 2023
how local seo builds relationships

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Local SEO isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the road to winning your customers’ hearts. In a world where the local store competes with global chains, the secret sauce to standing tall in your neighborhood lies in understanding and embracing local SEO. It’s not just about search […]

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7 Common SEO Mistakes Businesses Must Steer Clear Of

July 28, 2023

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido We’ve all heard the mantra: ‘If you build it, they will come.’ But let’s be real, in the digital marketing world, it’s more like: ‘If you build it and optimize it well, then they will come.’ SEO, or search engine optimization, isn’t just a fancy acronym […]

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How Data-Driven Marketing Can Help (or Save) Your Brand

July 10, 2023
data driven marketing for brands

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Data is everywhere, and smart marketers should know how to use it to their advantage. Collecting and analyzing consumer data allows you to create personalized and targeted ads that resonate with your audience. Data driven marketing works wonders if used wisely. In this article, you’ll learn what […]

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E-E-A-T in SEO: Nourishing Your Website for Peak Performance

June 15, 2023
eat in seo

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Ever feel like you’re playing a never-ending game of hide and seek with Google’s algorithm? We’ve all gotten a handle on the SEO dance–twirling around with keywords, waltzing with backlinks, and tangoing with meta-tags. But just as we’re taking our bows, Google has decided to change […]

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Ways You Can Use AI In Your Marketing Strategy

May 26, 2023

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido In today’s competitive business landscape,  businesses must stay ahead of the game by exploring how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can revolutionize their digital marketing strategies. With rapid advancements in AI technology, there are numerous opportunities to enhance customer experience, boost sales, and optimize marketing efforts. Let’s delve […]

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How To Use Podcast Marketing To Grow Your Health And Wellness Business

May 5, 2023
podcast marketing for health and wellness businesses

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Podcasts have been gaining popularity because of their accessibility and convenience. Everyone can listen to them while doing other things such as workouts, driving, cooking, and cleaning. With a wide range of topics, podcasts allow listeners to find their preferences and interests easily. By using podcasts, […]

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Revolutionizing Your Marketing Game: Top Trends to Follow

February 22, 2023
top marketing trends

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Marketing is constantly evolving; this year is the perfect time to try something new for your brand. It’s time to shape an epic year for all things marketing, with new technologies and changing consumer habits shaking things up. Are you ready to stay ahead of the […]

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Why we maintain a large library of free digital marketing resources?

At Nimbletoad we believe in empowering our clients to do as much or as little as they like.  In fact, this guiding principle forged two of our five core values:

Be Helpful: We share knowledge. If you know the best way to do something, you will do good work. If you share that knowledge with others, you will become a leader.

Never Stop Learning: Our quest for knowledge is is driven by relentless curiosity. We seek to improve and innovate continually. 

For Do-It-Yourself Marketers use these guides and helpful resources to set up and optimize your own marketing campaigns.  When you find success please let us know. We love to hear how our work has made a positive impact.

Need a little help? We can Do-It-With-You. Tackle as much or as little of your website design and marketing as you feel comfortable handling.  Use us to do the rest.  Or schedule a training session and we can teach you and your team how to accomplish your goals.  You'll leave the training session empowered with news skills and a recorded video that you can refer back to anytime to refresh your memory.

For those that want to concentrate on serving their customers, Nimbletoad will Do-It-For-You. Many of these guides outline best practices for customer relations and business management.  Use this resource section to enhance your business and book a strategy session with us where we can develop a comprehensive done for you marketing plan to achieve your revenue goals.