Marketing Resources

Nimbletoad is a full-service digital marketing agency based in North County San Diego that specializes in website design, SEO, and PPC. Founded in 2008, Nimbletoad’s results-driven marketing strategies enable B2B and B2C organizations to compete at the highest level regionally and nationally.

how to craft a balanced omnichannel strategy

Personalization vs. Overload: How To Craft An Omnichannel Strategy That Strikes the Right Balance

June 6, 2024

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, finding the sweet spot in your marketing efforts can often feel like walking a tightrope. The truth is, cracking the code on how to craft a balanced omnichannel strategy for personalization without overload is one of the biggest challenges facing […]

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Free Competitor Analysis - Find out how your website stacks up against your biggest competitor.
Learn how to increase your visibility and outrank for your top keyword.

Why Authentic Marketing Is The Way To Win Your Customers’ Loyalty

October 28, 2022
authentic marketing

Last Updated on October 28, 2022 by Troika Gellido Gone are the days when slick and flashy marketing strategies worked for consumers. Today, keeping consumers happy requires transparency, above all. They’ve dealt with inauthentic marketing for as long as they can remember, and they’ve had enough.  “People don’t want to be sold. What people do […]

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Should You Start Planning Your Marketing In The Metaverse?

September 14, 2022
marketing in the metaverse

Last Updated on October 28, 2022 by Troika Gellido Should brands be concerned about the Metaverse? In this fast-paced world, almost anything can happen in a blink of an eye. What you’re doing today may not matter in the next couple of years. For marketers, dipping our toes into the unknown can be beneficial. Let’s […]

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Can Your Brand Trust AI for Content Marketing?

August 1, 2022
benefits of ai for content marketing

Last Updated on October 28, 2022 by Troika Gellido You may not realize it yet, but AI has long been present in your content marketing efforts and online strategies. Artificial Intelligence is transforming the content marketing landscape. By automating tedious tasks, AI can help content marketers focus on higher-level strategic work. In addition, AI-powered tools […]

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Ways On How To Strategize, Optimize, and Compete In SERP Localization

June 27, 2022
how to compete in serp localization

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Did you know that Google has a separate local algorithm to promote local businesses in the search results? Say, if a user searches for “pizza delivery,” they will see listings for pizza places that are close to them rather than businesses in another state. A Search […]

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How To Build An Effective Case Study For Your Brand

June 1, 2022
effective case study

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Troika Gellido Without customers’ trust, a business is nothing. Trust can turn a curious online lurker into a paying customer. But with numerous scams and fraudulent acts happening online, customers have turned wary and more guarded. How can you, as a marketer, gain a customer’s trust without directly […]

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How To Create Content For Each Stage Of The Content Marketing Funnel

April 27, 2022
content marketing funnel

Last Updated on May 19, 2022 by Troika Gellido From Viewing Your Product to Satisfied Customer: How Content Marketing Works Did you know that the average buyer views around 13 pieces of content before they make their purchase decision? This may include looking at the vendor’s website, reading reviews, or watching videos where third parties […]

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Omnichannel vs Multichannel Marketing: What’s The Difference?

April 13, 2022
difference between omnichannel vs multichannel marketing

Last Updated on April 28, 2022 by Troika Gellido Understanding customer insights according to behavior is a must for every business. Today’s customer behavior shapes the way brands communicate. But with so many options today, a customer’s attention is more difficult to catch, making them very challenging to convert. However, knowing the right channels your […]

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Sales Enablement vs Content Marketing: Why You Need Both

April 4, 2022
sales enablement vs content marketing

Last Updated on April 18, 2022 by Troika Gellido Sales enablement vs. content marketing– do you really have to choose between the two? Sales enablement and content marketing are two of the most important aspects of any marketing and sales process. However, many businesses struggle to understand the difference between the two and how to […]

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A Complete Guide In Creating An Effective Email Marketing Strategy

March 17, 2022
how to create an effective email marketing strategy

Last Updated on March 28, 2022 by Troika Gellido Why Email Marketing Is (Still) Killing It Not only is email marketing one of the most useful sales tools today, it also comes with a lot of great perks. Reaching out to people who are already interested in what you have to offer, generating leads, and […]

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PPC vs SEO – Which Is Better For Your Business?

March 4, 2022
ppc vs seo which is better for you

Last Updated on March 16, 2022 by Troika Gellido Deciding which is better between PPC and SEO is not really a fair battle. Knowing which is best for you between these two depends on your marketing goals, campaign objectives, budget, time constraints, and even your target market. It’s about time to end the battle between […]

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Pros and Cons of Joining Your Local Chamber of Commerce

October 6, 2021
Joining Your Local Chamber of Commerce

Last Updated on October 6, 2021 by Should You Be Joining Your Local Chamber of Commerce? Small business owners wonder if joining their local chamber of commerce will pay off in the long run. Will it increase their customer base and sales? Does a membership provide marketing and network advantages and is it worth the […]

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What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising?

September 21, 2021

Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by In today’s fast-paced world, eCommerce businesses, entrepreneurs, small companies, and franchises are looking for a quick and effective way to get the eyes of high-converting customers on their brands. Search engines still happen to be the best avenue for brands to get in touch with potential customers. With […]

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Why we maintain a large library of free digital marketing resources?

At Nimbletoad we believe in empowering our clients to do as much or as little as they like.  In fact, this guiding principle forged two of our five core values:

Be Helpful: We share knowledge. If you know the best way to do something, you will do good work. If you share that knowledge with others, you will become a leader.

Never Stop Learning: Our quest for knowledge is is driven by relentless curiosity. We seek to improve and innovate continually. 

For Do-It-Yourself Marketers use these guides and helpful resources to set up and optimize your own marketing campaigns.  When you find success please let us know. We love to hear how our work has made a positive impact.

Need a little help? We can Do-It-With-You. Tackle as much or as little of your website design and marketing as you feel comfortable handling.  Use us to do the rest.  Or schedule a training session and we can teach you and your team how to accomplish your goals.  You'll leave the training session empowered with news skills and a recorded video that you can refer back to anytime to refresh your memory.

For those that want to concentrate on serving their customers, Nimbletoad will Do-It-For-You. Many of these guides outline best practices for customer relations and business management.  Use this resource section to enhance your business and book a strategy session with us where we can develop a comprehensive done for you marketing plan to achieve your revenue goals.